Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

US Intelligence

BlogNeoliberalismPatreonPolice State

Blog: Yanqui Swine – Unacceptable Sacrifices (Link)

A link to a 2018 Patreon Blog Post discussing why rehabilitating the Deep State to stop Trump’s fascism is no victory at all.

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Russiagate, Swine Emperor Trump And Me

After months of carefully explaining my politics every time I wrote about Russiagate, I finally sat down to explain my position in essay form.

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A Letter to an Anonymous Friend About the Current State of the “Russiagate” Scandal

After a long time away from this website while staring into the abyss, Nina is back with a short letter explaining why the often absurd scandal that is Russiagate really hasn’t progressed all that much in the past two months despite numerous sensational media “revelations” about the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

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ABT: Dimwitted Donny Jr Goes Domino Dancing

Thanks to his imbecile son, the walls are closing in around Donald Trump but now that the swine emperor is on the ropes are we in danger of being drawn into WW3?

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A Brief Thought: High Nunes

Nina talks about why the Trump administration would be wise to demand a resignation letter from Devin Nunes by lunchtime tomorrow.

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Recommended Reading: Giant Russia Theory Edition

Nina takes an exhaustive look at 33 articles debunking aspects of what is now known as Russiagate in US political circles.

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Info Meme of the Week: James Comey Strikes Again

Nina takes a pointed look at the biggest news in a week of Trump-Russia conspiracy theories only to find virtually nothing at all

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A Brief Thought: The Deep State Dilemma

Nina drops a few words on why it’s a really, really bad idea to root for the CIA to depose Trump; even if he’s a fascist.

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