Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

Month: September 2024

ActivismFascismPolice StateRec Reads

Recommended Reading: Campus Police States

After preparing all summer for war, American universities are now set to unleash the militarized Homeland Security Campus on student protestors this fall.

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Nina-Bytes: Exploitation as a Business Model

A recent study shows gig workers at rideshare companies are making less than minimum wage in the US; to stop it, we need to fight capitalism in the streets.

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AnalysisFascismPoliticsRec Reads

Recommended Reading: Daylight Ambush

Given the available evidence, it’s probably not a question of will Trump try a second coup if he loses the 2024 election, but what form will that coup take?

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BlogCapitalismClimate CrisisRec Reads

Nina Bytes: Capitalist Mythology and the Climate

Nina looks at a great longform essay that debunks the climate “overshoot” myth and reveals that the only way to save humanity is to “leave it in the ground.”

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Nina-Bytes: Manufacturing Consent for a Genocide

As corporate media continues to manufacture consent for Israel’s genocide in Gaza, a recent Common Dreams article asks if it’s time to consider legal liability.

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