Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

Month: August 2024

EssaysFascismPolice StatePolitics

Falling Backwards Into History

While Democrats celebrated the “unity” on offer at the DNC, informed observers who read the 2024 platform saw a party shifting to the right to appease fascism.

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Nina-Bytes: Indoctrinating A Dystopian Future

The reactionary war on history is about more than money; it’s about creating a generation of fascists who’ll watch billions die for profit as the world burns.

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Nina-Bytes: The People and Ideas JD Vance Applauds

As more of JD Vance’s odious worldview is exposed to the light of day, it’s time for the media to start calling the GOP VP nominee what he really is: a fascist.

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Journal: Fuel for the Pyre

A personal journal about my experiences with Long Covid and why I think living in a capitalist society under our “new normal” may eventually disable us all.

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AnalysisBlogCapitalismClimate Crisis

Nina-Bytes: Induced Hopelessness

As society battles pervasive climate nihilism, the UN reveals that the fossil fuel industry is behind propaganda designed to convince you it’s too late.

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Nina-Bytes: California Über Alles

As the California governor threatens to defund counties that won’t do encampment sweeps, it’s time to call Newsom’s war on unhoused people what it is: fascism.

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BlogClimate CrisisFascismSocial Media

Matchstick Man in a World on Fire

A recent BBC article asked “what’s Elon Musk’s game?” Unfortunately, the piece didn’t bother answering the question, so Nina is here to do it for them.

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FascismPolice StatePoliticsRec Reads

Recommended Reading: Captured States

A brief look at why despite their superficial differences Tech Bros and Christian Nationalists both have fascist visions of captured states in America’s future.

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Fascism: A Patchwork Mockery of Movement Politics

Despite propaganda to the contrary fascist movements are neither unified in rhetoric, nor uniform in appearance; what binds them is violent reactionary hatred.

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BlogCapitalismClimate Crisismedia

Nina-Bytes: No Half Measures

Once again George Monbiot is making the argument against oligarchy and climate crisis; it’s just a shame he won’t be honest about the solution to these problems

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