Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

US Intel


Info Meme of the Week: Rules of Engagement

When one side routinely breaks the rules, it isn’t exactly surprising that the other team will follow – more Russiagate madness and f*ckery inside.

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Way Down In The Hole: McMaster, Comey & the Beginning of the End for Donald Trump

Few were should we would get to this point but Nina examines the latest wave of Trump scandals & predicts that we’re finally at the beginning of the end for the swine emperor.

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Fantastic Lies: Of Bernie Bros & Bolshevik Bot Networks

Nina takes another look at the objectively absurd twists and turns of the Russiagate conspiracy theory in the minds of mainstream liberals; now with more Bernie Bros!

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A Brief Thought: High Nunes

Nina talks about why the Trump administration would be wise to demand a resignation letter from Devin Nunes by lunchtime tomorrow.

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Recommended Reading: Giant Russia Theory Edition

Nina takes an exhaustive look at 33 articles debunking aspects of what is now known as Russiagate in US political circles.

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