Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

mass extinction

BlogCapitalismClimate CrisisRec Reads

Nina Bytes: Capitalist Mythology and the Climate

Nina looks at a great longform essay that debunks the climate “overshoot” myth and reveals that the only way to save humanity is to “leave it in the ground.”

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AnalysisBlogCapitalismClimate Crisis

Nina-Bytes: Induced Hopelessness

As society battles pervasive climate nihilism, the UN reveals that the fossil fuel industry is behind propaganda designed to convince you it’s too late.

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BlogCapitalismClimate Crisismedia

Nina-Bytes: No Half Measures

Once again George Monbiot is making the argument against oligarchy and climate crisis; it’s just a shame he won’t be honest about the solution to these problems

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