Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

liberal establishment

BlogCan't You ReadPoliticsRussiagateWar

Can’t You Read: Russiagate and the 1st Trump Impeachment

An October 2019 Can’t You Read blog post about why the liberal establishment’s ongoing Russiagate conspiracy makes it harder to defeat swine emperor Trump.

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BlogmediaMedia MadnessPolitics

“Kingmaking II: Confidence Games” on Media Madness

A link to a short blog post about how the media was already rigging the 2020 Dem Primary, just under a year in advance.

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EssaysMedia MadnessNeoliberalismPolitics

Kingmaking on Media Madness

A painfully accurate 2020 Dem nomination forecast that I nevertheless managed to ignore when picking Sanders to win; on Media Madness.

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BlogMedia MadnessPoliticsTake Downs

“What’s Really Troubling Larry Tribe?” on Media Madness

A short blog post on Media Madness about why Larry Tribe should keep Bernie Sanders’ name out of his coal-encrusted pie hole.

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EssaysmediaPoliticsSocial Justice

Fantastic Lies: Special Ratf*cking Edition Part Two

The battle for the 2020 Dem Nomination has started early this time and the corporate media smear machine is already after Bernie Sanders – Part 2

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EssaysmediaNewsPoliticsSocial Justice

Fantastic Lies: Special Ratf*cking Edition Part One

The battle for the 2020 Democratic Nomination has started early this time and the corporate media smear machine is already in top gear; on Bernie Sanders, toxic campaign culture and the fine art of ratf*cking…

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