Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"

House Intelligence Committee


A Brief Thought: Despinning Michael Flynn, Again

Nina takes a look at the latest Trump-Russia “bombshell” and asks “if Mike Flynn is the key to the Russiagate puzzle, why isn’t he already in custody spilling his guts?”

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A Brief Thought: High Nunes

Nina talks about why the Trump administration would be wise to demand a resignation letter from Devin Nunes by lunchtime tomorrow.

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Recommended Reading: Giant Russia Theory Edition

Nina takes an exhaustive look at 33 articles debunking aspects of what is now known as Russiagate in US political circles.

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A Brief Thought: the Neoliberal Establishment’s Russian Shell Game

Nina continues to unravel the Democratic establishment’s Giant Russia Theory by examining what exactly liberals mean by “Russian influenced the election.”

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