Nina Illingworth Dot Com

Nina Illingworth Dot Com

"When the revolution is for everyone, everyone will be for the revolution"



Nina-Bytes: Exploitation as a Business Model

A recent study shows gig workers at rideshare companies are making less than minimum wage in the US; to stop it, we need to fight capitalism in the streets.

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Nina-Bytes: California Über Alles

As the California governor threatens to defund counties that won’t do encampment sweeps, it’s time to call Newsom’s war on unhoused people what it is: fascism.

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Insidiocracy: Russiagate, Corporate Media & Losing My Religion – Part Four

Part four of a five part series looking at mainstream corporate media retractions, walk backs, and debunked articles about Russia and reflections on my own personal experiences with the objectively surreal “Russiagate” saga.

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EssaysFascismNeoliberalismSocial Justice

Listen Up You Primitive Screwheads: There Is No Wrong Way to Fight Fascism

Nina has a few, less than kind words for neoliberal media drones clucking about violence against Trump protestors in a new feature on our website – Rants.

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