Media Madness: Some of Those That Work Forces
Editor’s note: after struggling against online censorship and some procrastinating, I’m getting around to reorganizing my website. As part of that process, I’m posting links to older content that I will never find again otherwise.
This activity is tedious, but necessary for my archives. Please bear with me in the meantime and thanks for all your support.
You Can’t Vote Out Fascist Police
I must confess that this late summer 2020 blog post on Media Madness is both very weird, and hardly an example of my finest work. What I was attempting to do was draw attention to an important discussion, the fascist sympathies of rioting police attacking Black Lives Matter protestors after the murder of George Floyd, using visual elements and links to articles proving the concept. Ultimately, this would evolve into the type of Recommended Reading posts I now publish on Can’t you Read. Unfortunately I wrote this particular piece during a period when I was both extremely rusty, and pressed for time, resulting in a sort of half-assed hot take with a couple of citations.
Of course, I can’t rewind time. What I can do however, is use this space to provide a much more thorough selection of outside articles that explore the connections between U.S. police, and violent fascists. This isn’t really an article per se, but frankly neither was the blog post; let’s just call it “bonus content.” I’ll include the selected photo from the Media Madness blog and both offered citations; making it largely unnecessary to read the original unless you really want to.
Ready? Let’s go:
Yeap, that’s a bunch of armed cracker pigs making a low-key white nationalist hand sign while smirking ironically; an activity that’s probably a little more common than you realize. You can check out what that type of thinking looks like in real time by reading this Twitter thread; then, let’s hit the stacks:
The FBI Has Quietly Investigated White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement
U.S. police have attacked journalists at least 140 times since May 28 (2020)
Hidden in Plain Sight (Brennan Center Report)
Police and Racist Vigilantes: Even Worse Than You Think
California police worked with neo-Nazis to pursue ‘anti-racist’ activists
Police Have Long History of Aiding neo-Nazis and Extremists
“The Cops Are With the Fascists”: How Police Terror and Trumpism Converge
The 1%, the police, and the fascist danger
FBI warned of white supremacists in law enforcement 10 years ago
White Supremacists ‘seek affiliation’ with Law Enforcement to Further Their Goals
The Other Epidemic: White Supremacists in Law Enforcement
Cops and Fascists? Cops Against Fascists? Which Is It?
Presumably, you don’t need me to tell you that electing an authoritarian mummy like Joe Biden has done nothing to address the problem of fascist crackers in law enforcement; but in case you do – no, it really hasn’t changed much actually.
And with that, we now return to our regularly scheduled programing.
“First, why are the police treating peaceful political opposition (including an incredibly large number of milquetoast liberals and even African American celebrities) like an invading army in the protesters own streets, and secondly, why do the police appear to be actively protecting violent reactionaries and street nazis, while openly committing outrageous acts of violence against virtually anyone who takes to the streets to protest our fascist President?”
To check it out over on Media Madness, click on the quotation block above, or the header below:
Some of Those That Work Forces on Media Madness
- nina illingworth
Independent writer, critic and analyst with a left focus. Please help me fight corporate censorship by sharing my articles with your friends online!
You can find my work at, Can’t You Read, Media Madness and my Patreon Blog
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“It’s ok Willie; swing heil, swing heil…”